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10 tips to overcome the fear of drawing in public.
How to draw in the city if you are shy Sketchbooking is a practice in…
How to be creative- Talking creativity with designer Katarina Grønmyr
Katarina Grønmyr on how to be creative. Today I am presenting my dear, creative…
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here are the Watercolors I use for this painting: Daniel Smith…
Up-side down Watercolor paintings
Upside down watercolor paintings were shown in my last exhibition in Sandnes Kunstforening, Norway. In September and October…
Being an artist is like having 10 different jobs
I really like doing different things and using all sides of my skills. I love…
Happy New Year!! Free Calendar 2019
To kick off the beautiful New year, this post has a FREE Calendar. Now we…
Watercolor paintings of doors of Dublin
Drawing and painting in my sketchbook I went to Dublin in October, What a fantastic…
4 Steps to a successful morning routine that will make you more creative.
4 Steps to a successful morning routine Rise and Shine Everyone! Create an easy morning…
How To Make A little Watercolor paintbox for traveling
Today’s tutorial Make your own cool little watercolor paintbox for traveling. You can make your…
Peerless Transparent Watercolors
(FYI, this blog is reposted but I have added some new information.) Peerless Transparent Watercolors…
NEW ONLINE COURSE Beautiful faces
Yeahh. Hello Girls and Guys, I am so excited because I can now tell…
How to stay creative- Talking creativity with Bente Helstrøm
This is Bente working in one of the studios in Matisse`s “Villa le Reve” in…