Vintage Silk Scarf Top in 3 Minutes

diy silk scarf top _Gucci Vintage

Hundreds of vintage silk scarfs.

As you know I have a collection of hundreds of vintage silk scarfs. I can’t seem to resist a beautiful silk scarf when I find them for a couple of dollars in a charity store. I have absolutely no idea how to make it look great around my neck, it always seems to be to much

So I have some projects to make a better use of them by upcycling them into something new.  Which this time takes just 3 minutes and there isn’t even anysewing.

You need a scarf and some nice ribbon, The scarf has to be lage enough to go around your waist.

 diy silk scarf top _Gucci Vintage- tie a silk scarf to a top silk scarf Gucci Vintage

diy silk scarf top _ Gucci Vintage

 Just perfect for going to and from the beach or the park.