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10 Artist hacks
How to be creative. “Art is theft” “Good artists copy, great artists steal” – Picasso.…
Happy Thanksgiving
Wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving, with friends and family. Happy Thanksgiving!
Refrigerator Magnets and a Baby Mobile
Decorations I have did a fun DIY project that I would love to share with…
I love painting & sipping my tea.
How to Draw & Paint with Ink and Watercolour. Coffee is my thing, but once in a…
Sketchbook Inspiration
What to do in Oslo? Walking by the riverside is inspiring in itself and like most…
Scandinavian vibes It’s quite cold and gray outside today and it is typical for this…
Store your creative ideas for a rainy winter day
Sometimes I have to save my ideas, that I don’t have time for. By recording them somewhere…
How to be creative. Tip of the week number 3
Photo: Jeanette Nilssen CREATIVITY TIP OF THE WEEK- How to get focused. Sometimes we find we have no…
The joy of sharing and collaboration.
Having fun and being free about your art work is not something you can control. It just happens…