dump will clear your mind, capture your thoughts and ideas, make room for creativity and help you relax.

How to mind dump

   A simple way to clear your mind to make way for creativity. I do…

WATERCOLOR PENCILS and water soluble pens. how to watercolor

Watercolor painted flowers using only water soluble pens and pencils

  ❤Hello! creative friends!  I hope you are doing well! Last weekend I was working with some…

Painting and learning how to organise your self Claim a workspace for yourself!

Make art on the sofa! Have you dreamt of having a workspace to make your art?

Make a sofa studio Hello there! I love to share my secrets about how I…

This way I have created some new abstract watercolor paintings in a combination of colors I would not usually use together. The place I find myself in will dictate the colors and abstract shapes that I draw.

Creativity on holiday

How perfect life is, when you just have a little bit of summer and some time off.  I need…

basic art stuff about colors

How to use complementary colors in drawings and paintings. A beginner’s guide.

A beginner’s guide to complementary colors. Complementary colors and water-soluble markers from LYRA HI Everybody!…

5 Things I have done to find more time for art

How to find time “How am I spending my time?” Are you one of those…

Post card from the south of France

  Hi everybody! I am on holidays so this is just a little postcard from the south…


How do you stay creative?

Today I am excited to share an interview with my friend and colleague artist Gunn…

Paintbrush roll-up DIY- no sewing

  When I go out to the park to paint or on longer trips, my…

decorate for easter. eggs

Easter Punk decoration

I love to give everyone a lovely surprise for their easter breakfast. I always love…

drawing and painting flowers

Watercolor painting- using masking fluid from Sennelier

    HI there! How are you? In today’s post, I would like to show…

Sketchbook drawings

My best holiday souvenirs are things we find in nature. When I am on holidays…