Painting and learning how to organise your self Claim a workspace for yourself!

Make art on the sofa! Have you dreamt of having a workspace to make your art?

Make a sofa studio Hello there! I love to share my secrets about how I find time to be more creative.…

This way I have created some new abstract watercolor paintings in a combination of colors I would not usually use together. The place I find myself in will dictate the colors and abstract shapes that I draw.

Creativity on holiday

How perfect life is, when you just have a little bit of summer and some time off.  I need to just relax and do…

5 Things I have done to find more time for art

How to find time “How am I spending my time?” Are you one of those people who has a full-time…


How do you stay creative?

Today I am excited to share an interview with my friend and colleague artist Gunn Tjensvold!   We will discover…


10 ways to generate creative energy.

10 ways you can to stay creative and maybe even when you don’t feel like it?  Hey, guys! I am…

Creativity and mistaks

Creativity and mistakes

What does it take to truly live a creative life?

  The author, Liz Gilbert, wrote a new wonderful book named Big Magic last year.(She is already famous for her…

David Bowie – The Inspiration of a Creative Mind

David Bowie’s ‘cut-up’ method of writing lyrics. David Bowie will be remembered for his music, being a singer, a songwriter, musician, record…

Interview at

January is a dark month for those of us in the northern hemisphere. But the days are getting longer and,…

10 Artist hacks

How to be creative. “Art is theft” “Good artists copy, great artists steal” – Picasso. In art school we had…